پیام دبیرکل جدید آموزش بین الملل مبنی بر «تسلیم نظرات مربوط به کمیته CEART»
در این پیام آقای دیوید ادوارد از تمامی همکاران سندیکایی و عضو آموزش بین الملل را مطلع کرده اند که نظرات و پیشنهادات خود را برای ارائه به کمیته کارشناسان متخصص نظریه های اجرایی درباره آموزش پرسنل «Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel» به سازمان جهانی کار و یونسکو (ILO/UNESCO) تقدیم نمایند.
بعلاوه ایشان یاد آورد شده اند که نقش کمیته CEART نظارت بر اجرای توصیه های سازمان بین المللی کار / یونسکو می باشد، درباره وضع و شان معلمان که به صورت قانونی در سال ۱۹۹۶ مورد تصویب قرار گرفته است، و در مورد وضعیت آموزگاران آموزش عالی از سال ۱۹۹۷. همچنین دبیر کل جدید EI همه اعضاء را دعوت کرده اند که برای دستیابی به اطلاعات دقیق تر در مورد مصوبه و پیشنهادنامه های سال های 1966 و 1997، به وب سایت ها ILO و یا یونسکو مراجعه نمایند و یا اینکه فایل پیوست سازمان جهانی کار را در این نشانی مطالعه نمایند.
در پایان لازم به یادآوری است که کلیه اعضاء EI که مشتاق ارائه نظرات خود درباره هر دوی توافقنامه ها هستند، اظهارات و بیانه های خود را به Dennis Sinyolo به نشانی Dennis.Sinyolo@ei-ie.org و یا به Jérémie Magermans به نشانی Jeremie.Magermans@ei-ie.org ارسال نمایند.
متن کامل پیام دبیرکل آموزش بین الملل را در پی مطالعه بفرمایید:
Brussels, 2 March 2018
Submission of allegations to the CEART Committee
Dear colleagues,
Education International (EI) informs its member organisations of the opportunity to submit allegations to the joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel (CEART).
The role of the CEART Committee is to monitor the implementation of the ILO/UNESCO Recommendations on the Status of Teachers (adopted in 1966) and on the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel (adopted in 1997).
The 1966 and 1997 Recommendations set out principles concerning the rights and responsibilities of educators, ranging from the pre-school level through university. Key issues addressed in the recommendations include: recruitment, teacher training, professional freedom, negotiation, participation in educational decision-making, conditions for effective teaching and learning, salaries, teacher shortages and security of employment, among others. For detailed information on the 1966 and 1997 Recommendations, please consult the ILO and UNESCO websites or the attached guide.
The CEART Committee has established a procedure that permits national and international teacher organizations to submit complaints or allegations concerning failure to implement some provisions of those Recommendations in a given country. To be admissible, an allegation must be related to the provisions of either Recommendation and be submitted by a national or international teacher organization.
The CEART procedure is a long process. When the Committee receives allegations, it forwards them to the government of the country concerned for comments. Those comments are submitted to the organisation(s) making the initial allegation for additional observations. The government has the opportunity to react to the new observations. The original communication and all observations of the parties are then submitted to the Joint Committee for examination at its next session. For more information on the submission procedure, please see here.
EI strongly advises teacher organisations to consult or liaise with the EI Secretariat before submitting allegations. EI can assist in this complex process and can endorse and follow up submissions with the CEART.
The CEART Committee sessions are held every three years. The next session will take place in Geneva from 1-5 October 2018. In order to be considered at this Committee session, new allegations should be submitted, as soon as possible.
Member organisations wishing to submit allegations on non-compliance with either of the two Recommendations in their country are invited to contact Dennis Sinyolo (Dennis.Sinyolo@ei-ie.org) or Jérémie Magermans (Jeremie.Magermans@ei-ie.org) without delay and no later than 30 March 2018.
Yours sincerely,
پیام دبیر کل آموزش بین الملل در رابطه با
خلاصه ای از پاسخ های اعضاء عضو سازمان آموزش بین الملل به فراخوان نظرسنجی درباره ساختار کاری EI
آموزش بین الملل تمامی اعضاء را دعوت کرده است که نظرات خود را هر چه زودتر درباره این سند اعلام کنند. چراکه به دلیل جدول زمانی مندرج در قانون اساسی EI در مورد ارائه اصلاحات، هیئت مدیره اجرایی آموزش بین الملل می بایست حداکثر در جلسه بعدی خود (در ماه اکتبر 2018) پیشنهادات ارائه شده بر اساس بررسی ساختارهای آموزش بین الملل را نهایی کند. بنابر این از تمامی سندیکاها و اتحادیه های عضو خواهش شده است که نظرات خود را حداکثر تا ۱۵ می ۲۰۱۸ از طریق این ایمیل (consultation@ei-ie.org) به آموزش بین الملل ارسال کنند.
Brussels, 28 February 2018
Summary of replies from member organisations to the survey on the review of EI structures
Dear Colleagues,
At its last meeting, the Executive Board decided that the summary of the responses from member organisations to the original survey on EI structures should be circulated to all affiliates for their observations. Please click here to access the summary.
Member organisations are invited to comment on the views expressed in the summary. Because of the timetable provided in the EI Constitution regarding the submission of amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws, the Executive Board must finalise proposals, based on the review of structures, for the consideration of Congress at its next meeting, in October 2018.
Please submit any additional observation by email to consultation@ei-ie.org by 15 May 2018. The Constitution and By-Laws Committee will convene in early June to review all additional observations and initiate the preparation of draft proposals for the attention of the Executive Board.
Yours sincerely,
Fred van Leeuwen
General Secretary
پیام خداحافظی و قدردانی آقای فرد ون لییون در آخرین روز کاری اش (۲۸ فبریه ۲۰۱۸) به عنوان دبیرکل آموزش بین الملل و اعلام اعتماد کامل ایشان و بدنه EI به توانایی های دبیرکل جدید آقای دکتر ادوارد برای رو در رویی با مسائل پیش رو. همچنین آرزوی «اتحاد» و «یکپارچگی» برای تک تک اعضاء آموزش بین الملل برای سالهای متمادی و به امید «کیفیت آموزشی» و «تقویت حرفه آموزگاری» و نیز اتحاد برای دموکراسی، برای حقوق بشر، و تلاش یکپارچه برای عدالت اجتماعی
Brussels, 28 February 2018
[Please click here to read this letter in pdf format.]
EI General Secretary
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to let you know that today is my last day as General Secretary of Education International. I want to thank you wholeheartedly for your collaboration and friendship over the years. It has been an honour and a privilege to serve EI’s member organisations for so long.
On 25 January the EI Executive Board appointed Deputy General Secretary David Edwards as General Secretary of our International for the period until EI’s 8th World Congress, set to take place in Bangkok in July 2019.
The Executive Board has every trust in David Edward’s ability to confront the many challenges present and yet to come – and to lead the organization to a new era of growth and consolidation. Suffice it to say that I am happy to hand over my duties to David.
May you all remain united for many years to come – for quality education, for a strong teaching profession, for democracy, human rights and social justice !
With very best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Fred van Leeuwen
General Secretary